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The Free Lumo Trial API is here!

View of mountain and wing from an airplane

It's official – we're making access to our API easier! You can now try a limited version of our API for evaluation and testing, and be up and running in a few minutes (did we say it's free?). Just head on over to our free trial page, put in your email, and we'll email you an API key in seconds.  

Swiss army knife

While we do our best to describe how amazing our API is, there's nothing like taking it for a test drive.

For those of you new to the Lumo API, our value is simple: one call to our API gives you everything you need to know about current and potential future flight disruptions. A single integration with a modern REST API that delivers rich, compelling content to supercharge your applications.

  Lumo Traditional flight tracking
Real-time data (via OAG)
Historical delay stats (via OAG)
Machine-learning-powered flight delay predictions days and weeks out  
Alerts based on upstream flight delays  
Severe weather alerts, airline waivers, and event data such as strikes and demonstrations that could disrupt travel  
COVID-19 stats and travel restrictions  
Travel advisories from government agencies such as the CDC and State Department  


Whether you'd like to help your customers book better flights, or monitor travel to send timely alerts about possible disruptions, Lumo's API helps travelers and travel agents see disruptions before they happen, and helps proactively manage them. Our APIs are used today by several travel companies including Lola, Short's Travel, mTrip, Cain Travel, and more.

The Sandbox API does come with restrictions. The API can only be used for prototyping, testing, and evaluation, which means you can't use the trial API in a production system or share the data with your customers and clients. Also, the number of API calls is capped at 500 per month (ok, if you're doing more than 500 calls you're probably ready to buy the real deal).


Get Free Trial API Key